1、 Every step, the first thought is the customer.
We should stand in the users position, think of the customer s thought, urgent customers urgent.
We should improve the service system, strengthen the pre-sale, in-sales and after-sales services, and help users solve various problems in the use of goods in a timely manner.
We should attach great importance to users opinions and treat them as an important part of customer satisfaction.
We should establish a customer centered mechanism. Establish a quick response mechanism for customers opinions.
2、 The customer is always right.
Customers are buyers of goods, not trouble makers;
Customers know more about their needs and hobbies, which is exactly the information that enterprises need to collect;
3、 Three elements of customer satisfaction.
Commodity satisfaction: customer satisfaction with the quality of goods.
Service satisfaction: refers to the customers positive attitude towards the pre-sale, in-service and after-sales service of the purchased goods. "After sales service makes long-term customers".
Corporate image satisfaction: refers to the public s positive evaluation of the comprehensive strength and overall impression of an enterprise.
4、 5S concept
"5S" refers to the acronym of "smile", "speed", "honesty", "smart" and "study".
Smile: a moderate smile. Smile can reflect the gratitude of the heart and spiritual tolerance, smile can shorten the distance between the two sides.
Quick: to express vitality with quick action and not to let customers wait is one of the important standards to measure the quality of service.
Sincerity: if the sales staff have the sincerity of serving the customers with all their heart, the customers will surely realize it.
Dexterity: to receive customers in a clean and tidy way, to package goods with dexterous, agile and elegant actions, and to gain customers trust with flexible and ingenious working attitude.
Research: we should always learn and master product knowledge to provide better and more timely consultation and service for customers.